Sunday 15 May 2016

Padhar Dance                         
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The state of Gujarat is known as the land of festivals where many exotic festivals take place. Various communities take part and contribute to the celebrations like Navratri, Vasant Panchami when folk dances are performed as integral part of the festivities. Folk dances add to the pomp and grandeur of the cultural activities in Gujarat and these are inextricably interwoven with the diversity the state projects to the world at large. Famous folk dances of Gujarat include the Garba dance, Dandiya Raas, Raas, Bhavai, Padhar dance etc.
The central theme of these performances revolves around Lord Krishna and his life. Krishna was born in Dwarka which is in Gujarat hence influencing the lives of natives through centuries. Many consider the historic period of Krishna’s birth, life and death to be the reminiscent of the age when folk dance, music and culture largely flourished.
Many tribal communities have made Gujarat their home and Padhar is one such community residing in the state of Gujarat for a long time. Essentially a Hindu cast, the tribal community Padhar is agricultural by occupation and they are considered scheduled caste status. They honor and worship several forms of Goddess Durga and this dance represents the culture and lives typical of Padhar natives. The dance is a euphoric enactment of the sea farers and the waves. The life of the people residing near Nal Lake which is situated in West Ahmedabad is symbolically represented through Padhar dance. According to some, the Padhars have migrated from Sindh and other gods and goddesses that are worshipped among Padhar tribe are Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva and Lord Rama. The Padhars are known to venerate the Shakti Goddess in her different forms.
Legend has it that Hinglaj Mata, a form of Goddess Durga, was taking a walk along with her sister, twelve sons and a pet bird called Peausi. They reached Sindh during night and her sons were hungry hence Hinglaj Devi looked for food in her sister’s house. Since her other sister Sindhu was absent during that time, the Mata was returning back and while on her way back she met Sindhu who offered her fish and food to eat. Mata returned to Nal Lake and tossed the fish and roots to the lake which flourished in the lake water and are now consumed as main food by Padhars residing in that region.                                                                                                                                           The dance is an entertaining ritual among the Padhar natives who are scattered all over the state. Padhar folk dance is one of the most popular folk performances in Gujarat.
Music, Movement & Style
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The Padhar community is an agro-based group who are wayfarers. They move from place to place, living by the sea leading lives of mariners. Their music and dance reflect this wanderlust they constantly thrive for. The lives of the mariners, the rise and fall of sea waves are often used as themes of these dance performances. Their joyful merrymaking and enthusiastic movement of Padhar folk dance illustrates the rich cultural heritage of the place. The daily activities of the mariners and their lifestyle, their emotions and sentiments are depicted through this music and dance.
Padhar community is essentially a labor class divided into various clans. The community is distributed in villages like Sahiyal, Shahpur, Dharji, Anandpur, Devadthal, Nam Katechi, Ralal, Parnala, Ranagadh, Godi, Parali etc all of which are situated in Ahmedabad. At times their struggle and hardship and sometimes the rhythmic movements of restless sea waves are expressed through the performance. The rural habitats of Nal Lake enact this rhythmic, roving dance movement in a jovial and exotic tone unmatched among other tribal existence in the state of Gujarat.

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