Thursday 19 May 2016

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Haryana Loor Dance

Haryana is a small state located in the north of India. It is known for its rich culture and traditions. People of this place are hard working and agriculture is one of the most important ways of earning livelihood. People express their joys and sorrows through dance and music. Many folk dances are performed in Haryana and Loor is one of them. Usually performed close to Holi festival, this dance form is popular in regions like Bagar and Bangar. In these areas, Loor is the name given to a girl. As it is obvious, this dance is performed by girls where they stand in two rows. Forming a semi circle, they face each other. Song is started by one of the party and the essence of the song is –
"Your bahu has given birth to a daughter and a son is born on this side, why not marry the two".
With this song the dancing starts in earnest. The discussion regarding this problem goes on and on and finally, acceptance of proposal takes place. Later, the next issue that they discuss is regarding the gifts and presents that will be given by the son’s parents to the girl when getting married.
This dance form is used to depict a marriage. It is shown that the girl after getting married reaches her in-laws place. Sentiments galore at this time as she is sad leaving her parent’s place. Using dance and song as a form of expression, she mourns for her family she has left behind. Then the husband leaves the place to join army. Years go by and he is not expected to return soon. The girl sings and dances and addresses a pigeon, an imaginary one to convey her heartfelt messages to her husband. Pigeon comes and perches on her shoulder and informs her about her husband’s arrival. She is happy and her happiness knows no bounds. With this joyful news the tempo and rhythm of the music reaches crescendo. Her friends congratulate her and dance around her at fast pace ultimately reaching its climax.

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