Friday 13 May 2016

Bardo Chham Dance of Arunachal Pradesh

Bardo Chham is an alluring folk dance of the Sherdukpens tribal community belonging to West Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh. The theme of the dance revolves around the dramatic victory of good over evil, a popular core concept of many folk performances. Different animals are represented in the dance and the fight between good and evil is enacted among the natives.

Bardo Chham Dance

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bardo-cham1Dance is an important ritual among the ethno-diverse group of north-east. Folk dances are performed during the rituals, festivals and also as recreational activities. This primitive tribal community residing at the Himalayan skirt for centuries, have been able to preserve their unique culture of thousand years.         Their zests for life and nature have enabled these hard working tribes of north east Himalayas develop some splendid folk dances. Some of the popular folk dances belonging to the state of Arunachal Pradesh include war dances of Adi tribe, Igu dance of Mishmi priests, ritualistic performances of Buddhist tribe. Some of 26 distinct tribes reside in Arunachal Pradesh and more than 100 sub groups made the state their home.
Some of these tribes have descended from Tibeto-Burman origin. One such relatively minor tribal community is Sherdukpens who has originated from the Tibeto-Burman. Bardo chham is a folk dance belonging to Sherdukpens community. The Sherdukpens of Bomdila and Tawang is one of the major Buddhist fraternities besides the Mongpas. They follow the Mahayana path of Buddhism.


Originated in the north-eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh, bardo chham is one of the ancient dances still enthusiastically practiced among its natives. As various tribal settlers flocked the district of Arunachal Pradesh, the dance and culture essentially is a manifestation of their lifestyle celebrated in traditional festivals and rituals alike.
The history of Arunachali folk dance relies greatly on the folklore derived from the natives’ close association with Mother Nature and her natural habitats. Their pagan belief that everything in nature has some inherent implication leads them to practice dance dramas and performances infused with animal tales and simplistic form of expression. According to the popular belief, there are twelve evil animals that appear each year and the Sherdukpens tribe masquerade as animals during the bardo chham dance to fight the evil forces that these animals represent. The tribal people dress up as different animals and dance in the midst of beating drums and percussion instruments like cymbals.

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Music, Movement & Style

Practiced by men and women, the Sherdukpens dance at the beat of drums to eradicate the evil forces that gather each month. The tribal people still follow the sun and moon gods and their ceremonial practices are very much linked to the primeval forces of nature. The traditional form of worship is also closely associated with the seasonal cycle and agro-activities.
Literal translation of bardo chham means ‘dance of the zodiac’ and the performers wear colorful masks and enact the fight between good and bad with a background music playing to enhance the performance. The dancers bring peace and joy in the community through the dramatic fight performed by the Sherdukpens tribal dancers and it is quite fascinating to watch. The ancient folktales, uninhibited dance moves and dramatic flow of this ancient dance form is unparalleled and one of a kind in the entire country. The isolation of the state is actually responsible for preserving this extraordinarily primitive art form interwoven with its pagan way of culture and lifestyle. Usually performed in troupes, the dance is also popular in Buddhist monasteries not only in Arunachal Pradesh but in Bhutan and few other north-eastern states. Through the exotic dance of bardo chham, we get a flavor of the diverse cultural background of the natives of Arunachal Pradesh.

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