Thursday 19 May 2016

Namgen  Dance                

Image result for namgen danceHimachal Pradesh is a hilly state inhabited by groups of people whose identities are not parallel to that of the mainstream population. The state is juxtaposed beautifully against the Himalayan Mountains. The hills are home to tribes that are unique with respect to cultural habits and tradition. The tribes have their own folk dances.
Namgen Dance is one such form of dance popular among a section of people in the state. It is a celebration of togetherness among the gypsy tribes of the region. This dance is widespread in the western parts of the state such as Kangra and Mandi. The dance is performed at community get together and festivals such as ‘Sair’ in the month of September.

Theme of Namgen Dance

The Namgen dance form is a stark contrast to many of the other folk dances of India. The basic difference is that this dance form is not related to agriculture. It is centered on the autumn season. The moods and theme of the dance carries an autumnal tone and the onset of the winter season.
The theme of the dance hovers around the nomadic nature of the tribes. The gypsy tribes rely on their animals and guide them high into the mountains for fodder. The dance marks a reunion of the people after a long spell of isolation in the hills while tending the animals.


The costume of the Namgen dance is a stand out feature. The dresses worn while dancing are bright and colorful. The tribes among which this dance form is popular are mainly nomadic pastoralists. The costumes associated with this dance reflect this fact as they are crafted out of wool of the animals they tend. Women are known to wear ‘launchiri’ which resembles the form of a long skirt. The fabric is often hand crafted. Men, on the other hand are known to wear ‘chola’ or a ‘dora’. While dancing, the dress is accompanied by head gear such as a turban.
The highlight of this dance is the use of jewelry. Extensive jewelry adorns the dancers of both the sexes as they motion their bodies through the rhythm music. Women wear luxurious ornaments and tinkers on their foreheads, ear and neck. Even the men occasionally wear earrings. The ornaments are mostly made of silver commonly studded with precious stones and pieces of glass.


Perhaps the most easily recognized characteristic of the Namgen dance is the colorful costume and heavy jewelry associated with it. The music to the dance bears a rustic and laid back character. It reflects the easy going nature of the tribes that practice it.
This dance form is practiced mainly by the Gaddi tribe of Himachal Pradesh.


Namgen is danced by both men and women in groups of few members. The groups huddle close together in chain formations. Men and women both perform this dance, often in the same group. The dance is intended to bring the tribal community closer.
The music to which this dance is performed is simple, bearing a rustic character. It lacks the loud and boisterous vibe. Instead, a soothing theme is reflected in the songs. The instruments are simple. The drum used to provide the beats for the dance is carved from tress and leather is used for covering the mouth.
The music is played in a separate group and vocal syllables harmonize the sound the instruments. In the season when it is performed, the valleys reverberate with a melodious combination of metal, voice and drumbeats in the vicinity.
The dance is traditionally performed in community events and not much elsewhere. However, in contemporary period, the dance has managed to trickle onto the stage and the television screen

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